Updated May 25 2024

   Averages and Extremes for the month of May 2024
 Average temperature     = 0.0°C
 Average humidity        = 0%
 Average dewpoint        = 0.0°C
 Average barometer       = 0.0 mb
 Average windspeed       = 0.0 mph
 Average gustspeed       = 0.0 mph
 Average direction       = 0° ( N )
 Rainfall for month      = 0.00 in.
 Rainfall for year       = 0.00 in.
 Maximum rain per minute = 0.00 in on day 00 at time 00:00
 Maximum temperature     = -70.0°C on day 00 at time 00:00
 Minimum temperature     = 100.0°C on day 00 at time 00:00
 Maximum humidity        = 0% on day 00 at time 00:00
 Minimum humidity        = 100% on day 00 at time 00:00
 Maximum dewpoint        = -100.0°C on day 00 at time 00:00
 Minimum dewpoint        = 100.0°C on day 00 at time 00:00
 Maximum pressure        = 0.0 mb on day 00 at time 00:00
 Minimum pressure        = 1100.0 mb on day 00 at time 00:00
 Maximum windspeed       = 0.0 mph from 00°( N ) on day 00 at time 00:00
 Maximum gust speed      = 0.0 mph from 00°( N ) on day 00 at time 00:00
 Maximum heat index      = -100.0°C on day 00 at time 00:00
 Total windrun           = 000.0miles
 Daily rain totals
All Time Records to date

Record high temperature:  0.0 oC  at: 11:41  on: 14 Mar 2024

Record low temperature:   0.0 oC  at: 11:41  on: 14 Mar 2024

Record high wind gust :   0.0 mph  from 00o  at: 12:01  on: 14 Mar 2024

Record  high average speed:0.0 mph  from 00o  at: 12:01  on: 14 Mar 2024

Record high rain rate:    0.00 in./min  at: 11:41  on: 14 Mar 2024

Record low barometer:     1100.0 mb  at: 22:00  on: 13 Mar 2024

Record high barometer:    0.0 mb  at: 11:41  on: 14 Mar 2024

Record daily rain:        0.00 in.  at: 11:41  on: 14 Mar 2024

Record rain in 1 hour:    0.00 in.  at: 22:00  on: 13 Mar 2024

Record low wind chill temperature: 0.0 oC  at: 11:41  on: 14 Mar 2024

Warmest day on record 0.0 oC  on: 14 Mar 2024

Coldest night on record 0.0 oC  on: 15 Mar 2024

Coldest day on record 0.0 oC  at: 18:00  on: 14 Mar 2024

Warmest night on record 0.0 oC  on: 15 Mar 2024

Warmest May temperature: 0.0 oC 2024

Coldest May temperature: 0.0 oC 2024